Breakfast at Invercassley

Spoilt for choice “a good hearty cooked full breakfast”

One of the reasons for staying in a B & B is the prospect of a great breakfast in the morning which someone else has cooked for you, and will also clear away and wash up. I am sure when most of us are at home and dashing around in our busy normal life a slice of toast or bowl of cereal is all we can manage to fit in. However on holiday breakfast takes on a new meaning, its something to take time over, chatting with family & friends and enjoying extra cups of coffee or slices of toast. Its the chance to pour over guidebooks and maps to plan the days adventures, and pick up tips of hidden gems from the hosts.

Often the highlight is a good hearty cooked full breakfast to set you up for the day. Like many, as a child my parents would say “ eat as much as you can for breakfast , then we don’t need to buy lunch” and I am sure that still holds true today. At Invercassley we pride ourselves on our breakfast menu and try as much as possible to use home made or locally grown/made products ; eggs from our chicken and ducks, tomatoes from the polytunnel, meat products from the local butcher and crofts with plenty of toast made with homemade bread and jams/ marmalade from local producers . However if you are on a longer holiday , the thought of a cooked breakfast every morning can fill some guests with dread , and have them checking the waistband of their trousers every day. As a B & B owner you need to come up with something different to tempt the appetite and offer a real choice every morning. A popular favourite on our breakfast menu are pancakes , freshly cooked each morning with all you have to decide is whether they are served with crispy bacon & maple syrup or with homemade natural yoghurt and fruit.  Next up are the omelettes , made with a choice of fillings and with eggs collected that morning from our birds. Guests never fail to be amazed at how yellow our free range eggs make the omelettes look never mind how good they taste. For those looking for a more healthy diet we offer the option of a breakfast cranachan , based on the traditional Scottish dessert, with yoghurt replacing the cream and an optional drop of whisky for authenticity . Not forgetting those who hark back to childhood memories we can also serve boiled eggs with soldiers of toast standing to attention on the plate. Still that’s not all, with poached eggs on toast/muffins, croissants & brioche rolls, porridge, fresh fruit and yoghurt and cereals there is enough to give you a different breakfast choice for every day of your holiday. The hardest part will be choosing what to have.

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